Happy Pups, Happy Planet!

Our Start-up Story - Eco Dog Brand

We’re often asked; “How was OH H*CK born?”. Well, our start-up story began back in November 2020…

We had always LOVED dogs, but for one reason of another had never planned on bringing a pup into our own family… until we met Tilly!!

During lockdown 2.0, one of our close friends had just had litter and there were 2 gorgeous pups still yet to find a home. We made a spur of the moment decision and decided to go and meet the pups.. and of course.. it was love at first sight!!! We picked Tilly up 3 weeks later!!!

Cockapoo Puppy

We were first time dog owners, and had absolutely no idea what we were doing. We were buying everything and anything we thought we might need. Toys… Beds… Blankets… You name it, we had it!! Tilly was (and still is) the most spoilt girl around!!!

We soon came to realise that most of the stuff we had been buying Tilly was rubbish! Worst of all it was mostly made of cheap plastic and the quality was terrible! We set out to find some more sustainable pets brands on the market… but they were few and far between.

As we did more research into the pet industry, the more we became frustrated that we were contributing to some very wasteful practises!!

Did you know? The pet industry creates almost 300 million tonnes of plastic waste a year? From food packaging, to cheap plastic chew toys…

We decided there should be an alternative to all these low quality, plastic products on the market. And we were determined to try and make a difference ourselves!

And so the OH H*CK journey began!!

We spent months exploring what our crazy idea might look like. Racking our brains for a brand name. Researching the best ways we could make our products more sustainable.  Searching for suppliers who would manufacture our products, and trying to learn the basics of marketing.

Finally, we decided it was “now or never”, and we placed our first order with our supplier (and the rest is history)!!

We’ve been blown away by the support we’ve received, and are sup-paw excited to see what the future holds for OH HECK!!  We believe that together, we CAN make a difference for the better in our industry. 

Happy Pups, Happy Planet

The OH H*CK Team!


  • Bingo
    Ringo Ringo my daughter I want my door on dark
    🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐩🐩🐩🐩 or should I watch dog poo dog bed dog house about the builders to build a doghouse I’m making make big a bit of

    anna mantey
  • I’d like to know where your products, especially the beds, are manufactured. Thanks.


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